What is an electric fireplace?


An electric fireplace is a heating solution that both heats and decorates your property. In fact, this system works solely with an electrical socket, but it also has a real charm all of its own.
What is an electric fireplace?

An electric fireplace is a heating solution that also allows you to decorate your home. It reproduces the visual aspect of a traditional fireplace in terms of aesthetics (cladding, flame effects), while avoiding the disadvantages of a conventional fireplace. An electric fireplace is more than just an auxiliary heater: it delivers high-performance heating power, providing warmth and a cosy atmosphere all year round.

Electric fireplaces fit in with most interiors. Numerous electric fireplace models are available, adjustable to suit the location where you plan to install it. Your choice should be based on the space available, the surface area to be heated and your interior design, in order to define the type and style of your electric fireplace.

New technologies in the electric fireplace market enable us to offer you increasingly efficient products. Thanks to LED technology, the illusion of flames is very vivid, as well as guaranteeing energy savings. As a result, electric fireplaces are becoming indispensable decorative elements for your home.

To find the answers to all your questions about electric fireplaces, take a look at our buying guide:

How does an electric fireplace work?

Comment fonctionne une cheminée électrique ?

Electric fireplaces operate on two simple principles: heating and visual. In fact, it’s an electric heater with an illusionary effect of fake, animated flames.

1. Heating system

The electric fireplace is heated by an electric convector installed directly inside the fireplace. The convector is powered by an electric resistance heater. When it comes into contact with air, it heats up due to the Joule effect. In simple terms, cold air enters the lower part of the convector and passes through the heating element, before escaping through the upper outlet.

Electric fireplaces are equipped with a fan that distributes the heated air throughout the room. This fan can be deactivated if heating is sufficient to warm the room, or to save energy. Even when the heating is turned off, you can still enjoy the aesthetic appearance of your electric fireplace’s flames.

An electric fireplace has all the features of a traditional fireplace, but without the constraints. In fact, the heating power of an electric fireplace is really efficient, its visual appearance is very realistic and it saves you the trouble of storing wood, monitoring the fire and maintaining the hearth and flue.

2. The visual

The visual effect is achieved through a play of light with LEDs, creating a moving image of flames. The result imitates a wood-burning fireplace with its trim and flame effects, but proves to be more practical. Charcoal, logs and flames are visual effects carefully designed to simulate a real fire.

The electric fireplace is therefore a decorative element with an integrated heating system. On the other hand, by being both practical and aesthetically pleasing, electric fireplaces are also safe and appealing to more and more families. A wide range of electric fireplaces is available to suit every need and taste.

Where to buy an electric fireplace?

Electric fireplaces are becoming an increasingly important part of the French heating market. In fact, the ease with which an electric fireplace can be installed, as well as its
the value for money and low consumption of an electric fireplace
make this appliance a must-have for most people. Our company, Chemin’Arte, has been offering a wide range of electric fireplaces for some ten years now, through numerous distributors throughout France.

Our distributors are renowned for offering reliable, high-quality services.

Our electric fireplaces are sold by :

  • My Electric Fireplace;
  • Boulanger ;
  • Radiator + ;
  • Amazon;
  • Mano Mano ;
  • Mr. DIY ;
  • Darty ;
  • Central Bricot;
  • Bricozor ;
  • Decome ;
  • New Merchants ;
  • Leroy Merlin.

What wattage for an electric fireplace?

The heating power of an electric fireplace varies according to the model chosen. The average heating power of an electric fireplace is between 1 and 2 kW. It’s worth noting that you’ll need to choose your electric fireplace according to the surface area you wish to heat.

Depending on your heating needs, some models will be more optimal than others. If you need to heat a large room, you’ll be better off with a built-in fireplace.

This article will help you choose the best electric fireplace: which electric fireplace to choose?

It should be noted that an electric fireplace is not considered a heating system in the strict sense of the term, but an auxiliary heater or electric radiator. However, thanks to the new technologies added directly to electric fireplaces, it’s now possible to have top-quality heating and a warm, designer interior at the same time.

Does an electric fireplace have the same effect as a traditional one?

Cheminée électrique identique à cheminée traditionnelle ?

Electric fireplaces give your home a high-performance, aesthetically pleasing heating system. Of course, unlike a traditional fireplace, you won’t find a real log in your electric fireplace, but you can still enjoy the flames, and even a crackling sound that seems almost real. The perfect illusion provided by an electric fireplace is due to an LED system that equips your electric fireplace, and is powerful enough to make the result look like the real thing. A third party who doesn’t know it’s an electric fireplace won’t be able to tell the difference.

The advantage of acquiring an electric fireplace is that, unlike a conventional fireplace, it can be moved from one room to another at will, without causing any problems, be they smoke-related or otherwise. It’s worth pointing out that an electric fireplace is efficient in its heating power.

Unlike traditional fireplaces, electric fireplaces offer optimum safety. It is not dangerous for children or pets, since there is no risk of burns, fire or inhalation of toxic fumes. What’s more, since it emits neither carbon monoxide nor carbon dioxide, the electric fireplace is environmentally friendly.

Does an electric fireplace require any special maintenance or upkeep?

La cheminée électrique nécessite-t-elle une maintenance ou un entretien particulier ?

An electric fireplace requires no special maintenance. Regular dusting is advisable to avoid damaging its systems. But no major maintenance is required for it to work properly, unlike traditional fireplaces which require regular sweeping, cleaning and vacuuming, as well as the installation of various conveniences.

The ease of use and maintenance of electric fireplaces has enabled them to grow exponentially in the heating market.

If you have any questions about electric fireplaces, read our FAQ:

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